wine without added sulphites
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  • Par David
  • Le 16-12-2024
  • 3 minutes de lecture

Plain, organic, natural wine, without sulphites: what are the differences?

The world of wine is constantly evolving and consumers are increasingly concerned about what they put in their glass. Natural, organic, natural and sulphite-free wines are becoming more popular, but it can be difficult to understand the differences.

Natural wine:

Natural wine is wine produced with grapes grown without the use of chemicals such as pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. In addition, during the winemaking process, no additives are added to the wine, apart from a small quantity of sulphites (10mg/L maximum). Natural wine is therefore a pure, entirely natural product without chemical treatment.

Organic wine:

Organic wine is wine produced from grapes grown using organic farming methods. This means that the grapes are grown without synthetic chemicals or GMOs, while respecting the environment. On the other hand, unlike natural wine, organic wine allows the use of additives such as selected yeasts, enzymes and sulphites (100mg/L maximum).

Natural wine:

Natural wine is wine produced from grapes grown using organic or biodynamic farming methods, and whose winemaking process takes place without any addition of chemicals or additives. This means that natural wine contains no added sulphites, only those naturally present in the grapes. Natural wine is therefore a completely natural product, without artifice and respectful of the environment.

Wine without sulphites:

Sulphite-free wine is wine produced without the addition of sulphites. Sulfites are preservatives used in winemaking to preserve wine and prevent oxidation. However, they can be allergenic and have a negative impact on the environment. Wine without sulphites is therefore a wine that is more respectful of health and the environment, but it is often less stable and may have a shorter lifespan.

Now that you know the differences between these different types of wines, it is important to know that although they share characteristics Although they are common, they all have particularities that make them unique. It is therefore important to taste different types of wine to discover which one suits you best.


Natural, organic, natural and sulphite-free wine are products whose quality depends above all on the way in which they are cultivated and produced. By choosing these products, you are opting for wines that are more respectful of the environment and your health.

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